Tuesday, April 30, 2013

(VIDEO) Caught On Tape: Dramatic Footage of Plane Crash

Dramatic video of an airplane crash in Afghanistan has surfaced.  Seven crew members were killed when the National Air Cargo jet veered, and then slammed into the ground shortly after takeoff.  The plane was said to be transporting cargo to Dubai.

Caution for the graphic video and language in the video.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Young Cancer Patient Scores TD In Nebraska Spring Game

7 year old Jack Hoffman is a huge Nebraska football fan. He is also a cancer patient.  At the Nebraska spring football game, the Huskers let him live a dream, to play for his beloved Huskers!  He wound up scoring a touchdown.  What a wonderful gesture to make this little cancer patient's dream come true!  Just watch the heartwarming video below!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Few Of My Favorite Baseball Videos

I think I AM becoming more of a baseball fan again.  I grew up loving the Cardinals and listening to the games on the radio.  That was the cool thing.  I could listen to the games while laying by the pool, sitting on a tractor in a field or driving down the road in my car!  Somewhere along the line though, baseball lost me through the strikes and labor problems, but I've come back.  What brought me back?  Gosh, I guess to be honest it really was the steroid fueled spurt of dominating pitching and video game length home runs from McGwire,  Sosa and the like.  It was AWESOME!  Of course, by the time Barry Bonds got it going, we had all figured out it was drugs, so he wasn't nearly as beloved.  Anyways, here are some of my favorite baseball videos.

I'm not big on the Yankees and Red Sox but this commercial with Yankees fan Alec Baldwin and Red Sox John Krazinski is great!  I know Baldwin is a nut job, but you gotta admit, he's hilarious!

Us old guys love the old guy players..... here's a great one with former Seattle Pitcher Jamie Moyer

How good would this guy have been if he hadn't gotten hurt....

One of my favorite hilites of both the careers of Tim McCarver and Deon Sanders!

Oh well.....just a few.....back to the games! Go Cards!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Video Surfaces of Rutgers Basketball Coach Abusing Players

Disturbing video has surfaced of Rutgers Basketball coach Mike Rice abusing players during practices over the past few years.  Rutgers suspended and disciplined Rice following the abuse coming to their attention but did not fire him.  The video never surfaced publicly, until now.   In the video, Rice can been seen shoving players, throwing balls at them and cursing them with homophobic slurs.  Take a look and see what you think.  Is this going too far? Should the coach has been fired instead of being merely discipliened?  What do you think?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Tater Day 2013

Another Tater Day has come and gone!  Here's how it was reported on Twitter....along with my fav Tater Day song!  Tater Day is many things, but all things Tater Day are indeed "deep fried."  Have a Tateriffic Day!